Can Your HVAC Affect Your Allergies?

September 4, 2024

If you or anyone in your home suffers from allergies, you know how troublesome they are. You’d likely do anything for relief from itchy eyes, constant sneezing, and congestion. But did you know that the HVAC system in your Champaign, IL home may worsen your allergies? Or that there are ways you can use your HVAC to help minimize symptoms? Here’s everything you need to know about the connection between your allergies and your HVAC. How HVAC Systems Contribute to Allergies Central ducted HVAC systems are efficient and a good comfort solution. However, they do introduce

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Why You Need to Test Your Indoor Air Quality

June 13, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends testing your indoor air quality (IAQ) at least every other year. Some IAQ experts advise even more frequent testing and suggest having a monitor installed to track it daily. Let’s explore the potential pollutants and contaminants that are the reasons you should test your home’s air. Radon Radon is the top reason the EPA advises IAQ testing every two years. This gas is the top cause of lung cancer in the U.S. among nonsmokers. It can seep up from the earth into your home, and you can’t see it, smell

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Pros and Cons of a New Whole House Humidifier

February 14, 2024

Are you considering installing a new whole-house humidifier? If so, you may be curious about the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of humidification system. It is a system that you can connect to your HVAC system to improve the moisture content of the air in your entire home. A whole-house humidifier can enhance your comfort and health, but there are drawbacks as well. Here are the pros and cons of a new whole-house humidifier. Pros of a New Whole House Humidifier 1. Automatic Humidity Control A humidistat that is integrated

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Why Your Indoor Air Quality Declines During Winter

December 12, 2023

Keeping your Champaign, IL home warm is just one part of ensuring the health, safety, and comfort of your family this winter. You must also maintain an acceptably high indoor air quality (IAQ). Unfortunately, the cold weather ushers in many season-specific IAQ challenges. Read on to find out why your IAQ naturally declines each winter. You’ve Tightly Sealed Your Home for Efficiency To ensure efficient HVAC operation and minimize energy waste, most homeowners seal their homes up tight. In addition to keeping their windows and doors closed, many people add weatherstripping, seal gaps in building materials,

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How To Decide if You Need a Humidifier

November 13, 2023

In addition to creating and maintaining comfortable temperatures indoors, your HVAC system offers a modest amount of humidity reduction. It does this by extracting excess moisture from the air and directing it down a condensate drain. This process keeps your living space from becoming muggy and oppressive. It also minimizes the risk of mildew, mold, and structural damage. However, residential heaters and air conditioners are limited in their ability to regulate humidity. They have a finite capacity for extracting excess moisture, but they are not capable of adding it. Thus, when indoor conditions become too dry for health, comfort, or

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Are Air Purifiers Actually Effective?

February 14, 2023

Are Air Purifiers Effective at Improving Indoor Air Quality? With all that’s been happening over the past few years, a lot of attention has been focused on air purifiers. Air purifiers do exactly as their name suggests; they clean the air. You may be wondering whether an air purifier is worth getting for your home and whether it’s actually effective. The answer is that an air purifier can make a positive difference in your indoor air quality by removing pollutants and other contaminants. What Do Air Purifiers Remove? Air purifiers may be able to target

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How To Test Indoor Air Quality For Mold

February 4, 2021

You already know how outdoor air quality affects your health, from allergies to other more serious concerns, such as asthma. Concerns about the effects of poor air quality may subside once you go inside your home since you’ll feel safer from bacteria, dust, viruses, and other airborne particles. Unfortunately, issues with poor air quality exist inside many Champagne homes. Airborne particles enter through open doors and windows, heating and cooling systems, poorly insulated attics, gaps around door and window frames, and many other places. You may be aware of common particles inside your house, such as dust and pet dander,

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