Ductless Mini-Splits in ChampaignA ductless mini-split system could be just what you need for your home in Champaign, IL, and Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. can install it. The convenience of mini-split systems is a major plus for families in the area. That’s because saving money is easy when you have the power to take control of the climate in your home.

    Call our air conditioning technicians today to schedule a mini split AC installation or repair appointment!

    The Convenience of Mini-Split Systems

    Traditionally, our homes receive air conditioning through ducts that carry cool air throughout the house all at once and disburse it indiscriminately out of the vents in each room. With a ductless system, the air is generated and then pushed through a smaller conduit that can go to one or multiple areas of the house at your command.

    Ductless mini-splits allow you to control the temperature of each zone in your home. In addition to that, homeowners can also turn them off independently of one another. For example, you could cool the area of your home that you are using the most, keeping unused zones inactive.

    The Convenience of Mini-Split Systems

    The increased energy efficiency you gain from smaller airways and control over the amount of energy used can save you tons of money over time. Some may find this method more desirable than depending on large ducts that could collect a lot of debris or leak. With a ductless system, you can now use more of the energy you pay for instead of allowing it to become wasted.

    Air quality is another great reason to go ductless. Dust, pollen, and other particles are dragged into your home through your ducts and are consistently circulated through the air you breathe. With a ductless mini-split, the circulation is divided into different sections of your home, conveniently cutting down on the movement of particles.

    The way ductless systems work is a combination of an outdoor unit and multiple indoor units that cool your home with the use of a conduit instead of ducts. In the installation progress, you get to take part in your indoor units within the house. This allows you to strategically place them in areas that are less noticeable if you wish.

    There are a few other great things about ductless mini-splits to take into account.
    • Quiet
    • No duct maintenance
    • Better for the environment
    • Easier to clean than ducts

    Ductless Mini-Splits in Champaign

    Just a few minutes northwest of the University of Illinois, Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. brings over 60 years of experience in Champaign and the surrounding areas. We aim to produce high-quality customer service and products that will surpass your expectations.

    If you feel that you may be interested in ductless mini-split systems, call Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today.