Why Your Furnace Smells at the Beginning of the Season

January 1, 2025

When you first turn on your furnace for the season, you might notice an a smell for a few seconds, but it should go away very quickly. If it doesn’t and you notice an unpleasant smell wafting through your home, it can be concerning, but most odors are harmless and easy to explain. Understanding the source of these smells can help you determine whether it’s a normal part of furnace operation or something that requires professional furnace repair. Dust and Debris Burning Off One of the most common causes of a furnace smell at the beginning

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How Do You Know It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace?

December 19, 2022

Dark evenings, cool temperatures, and warm nights by the fire — winter is upon us. With the advent of winter, many homeowners fire up their furnaces in anticipation of more time inside, warm inside temps, and respite from the frigid weather outside. Signs of a Failing Furnace When your furnace is running well, winter is a breeze. You adjust the thermostat to your liking and settle in for cozy days and nights in your home. When your HVAC system is on its last legs, however, you may find yourself with the need for quick

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How Does a Furnace Humidifier Work?

November 17, 2022

Furnace Humidifiers: How They Work and the Benefits Furnaces have been known to dry out the air in your home, leading to problems ranging from static electricity and cracks in the woodwork to respiratory ailments. A furnace humidifier helps to alleviate these problems by adding moisture to the air. Below, we will discuss how a furnace humidifier works in more detail. What Is a Furnace Humidifier? A furnace humidifier is a device connected to your furnace that helps in adding moisture to the air. It is a simple device with a water reservoir, a wicking

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How Far From a Furnace Should a Carbon Monoxide Detector Be?

October 19, 2022

Carbon monoxide poisoning is something everyone should be concerned about. Every year, exposure to carbon monoxide sends more than 15,000 Americans to the hospital and results in more than 500 deaths. Gas furnaces, fireplaces and water heaters all produce carbon monoxide, which is why it is essential that you have carbon monoxide detectors near all of these appliances. With that in mind, here is a full guide to carbon monoxide detectors and where they need to be installed in relation to your furnace and other appliances. Recommended Distance From Furnaces and Other Gas Appliances

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