5 Reasons Your AC Fan Isn’t Working

May 1, 2024

When you turn on the AC in your Champaign, IL, home, cold air should soon rush from its vents. When it doesn’t, the culprit could be a malfunction with one of your AC’s fans. While figuring out which fan is the problem is easy, figuring out the cause isn’t. However, there are some ways to narrow down the likely culprit if you know what to look for. Here, we will explain five reasons why one of your AC’s fans might stop working. 1. A Power Issue If either of your AC’s fans stops working, the first

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AC Maintenance Tips For Spring

March 27, 2024

As the warmer spring weather rolls back around, you’re likely thinking about planning your summer vacation. However, it’s important that you show your air conditioning system some much-needed love so that it’s ready to take on the upcoming summertime weather. If this is your first year doing cooling system maintenance, then you’ll want to follow the detailed guide below to ensure that you don’t miss anything. Schedule Professional Maintenance Service One of the most important tasks that you can complete is to schedule a professional maintenance service for your air conditioning system. This service will

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Should I Replace My Home’s AC With a Heat Pump?

July 18, 2023

When your home’s air conditioner breaks down or otherwise needs replacement, it’s no small event. It means you’re going to have to spend a decent amount of money on a new system. And you’ll be committing to living with that new system for years to come. Here at Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., we encounter homeowners in this position all of the time. And more of them than ever before are asking us if they should consider a heat pump instead of a conventional AC system as their home’s new HVAC solution. To help homeowners on the verge of making this choice, here’s everything

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Exploring the Drawbacks and Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split Systems

June 12, 2023

Ductless mini-split systems have gained significant popularity in recent years as an alternative to traditional HVAC systems. These compact and versatile cooling and heating units offer numerous advantages, including increased energy efficiency, easy installation, and customizable temperature control. However, before investing in a ductless mini-split system, it is essential to consider various factors to determine if it is worth the investment. Let us explore the benefits and drawbacks of ductless mini-split systems, helping you to make an informed decision about whether they are the right choice for your home or business. The Benefits Ductless mini-split systems

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8 Reasons You Should Replace a 20-Year-Old Air Conditioner

May 3, 2023

It’s tempting to keep using an older air conditioner when it doesn’t seem to have a problem. After all, why fix it if it’s not broken, right? The average air conditioner will effectively serve a home for 10 to 15 years when it’s properly maintained. If your AC is 20 years old or more, there is a good chance that it’s costing you more to continue to run it. Consider these eight reasons to plan for a replacement, even if there isn’t anything obviously wrong with your aging air conditioner. 1. Reduce Your Energy Costs Air

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Troubleshooting a Problem With Your Air Conditioner

April 11, 2023

Summers around Champaign get warm and sticky, which makes your air conditioner essential for keeping your home comfortable. With regular use, however, air conditioners are prone to break down. This tends to occur during the most intense parts of the summer when the need is highest, too. If you ever find yourself in this position, consider these steps to troubleshoot a problem with your air conditioner. Inspect Your Air Filter The most common AC problem many homeowners face is a clogged air filter. The filter keeps out most of the contaminants that would otherwise clog your

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Is Ductless Air Conditioning a Good Choice in Illinois?

September 20, 2022

Your central air conditioning unit may be getting near its end of service life. You just may need to add air conditioning to an addition to the house. You may have purchased an older home with no ductwork. In any of these cases, you are likely wondering about ductless air conditioning. Is it right for our Illinois climate and your home? At Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. in Champaign, we serve the Champaign-Urbana area, and we are your local experts in air conditioning installation. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing an air conditioning system and each case is unique.

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Why Is My AC Squeaking?

August 18, 2022

There are many reasons why the AC might be making a sound. It could be the vents need to be cleaned, the fan might not be working properly, or it could just be a minor ground disturbance in the wire. By investigating which possibilities are plausible and bringing up your issue with a professional, you can figure out what’s wrong and get it fixed. The following are some of the reasons your AC may be squeaking. Blades Are Rubbing Against Each Other If your air conditioner’s fan is making a squeaking sound, it could be because

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5 Effective Ways to Make Your AC Unit More Efficient

July 29, 2022

The summer months can be scorching in the Champaign, IL, area and when the weather outside gets hot, it can be easy to let your energy costs get out of hand. The more you rely on your household air conditioner to stay comfortable, the higher your electricity bills will rise. The good news is that you don’t need to be sweaty and uncomfortable in your home to keep your finances under control. By taking a few proactive measures, you can ensure that your air conditioner is running as efficiently as possible while still keeping you and your family cool.

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How Many Hours Can an AC Run Continuously?

May 19, 2022

If you’re like many people, you might be wondering how long your air conditioner can run without getting damaged. The answer is simple. Your AC could theoretically run for 24 hours a day all summer long without issue. Of course, the longer it runs, the more wear and tear it will experience. This means an increased chance of it eventually breaking down and needing to be repaired. All that being said, just because your AC could run 24 hours a day doesn’t mean it should. In fact, if it is constantly running like this, it indicates that something isn’t working

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