Exploring the Drawbacks and Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split Systems

June 12, 2023

Ductless mini-split systems have gained significant popularity in recent years as an alternative to traditional HVAC systems. These compact and versatile cooling and heating units offer numerous advantages, including increased energy efficiency, easy installation, and customizable temperature control. However, before investing in a ductless mini-split system, it is essential to consider various factors to determine if it is worth the investment. Let us explore the benefits and drawbacks of ductless mini-split systems, helping you to make an informed decision about whether they are the right choice for your home or business. The Benefits Ductless mini-split systems

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8 Reasons You Should Replace a 20-Year-Old Air Conditioner

May 3, 2023

It’s tempting to keep using an older air conditioner when it doesn’t seem to have a problem. After all, why fix it if it’s not broken, right? The average air conditioner will effectively serve a home for 10 to 15 years when it’s properly maintained. If your AC is 20 years old or more, there is a good chance that it’s costing you more to continue to run it. Consider these eight reasons to plan for a replacement, even if there isn’t anything obviously wrong with your aging air conditioner. 1. Reduce Your Energy Costs Air

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Troubleshooting a Problem With Your Air Conditioner

April 11, 2023

Summers around Champaign get warm and sticky, which makes your air conditioner essential for keeping your home comfortable. With regular use, however, air conditioners are prone to break down. This tends to occur during the most intense parts of the summer when the need is highest, too. If you ever find yourself in this position, consider these steps to troubleshoot a problem with your air conditioner. Inspect Your Air Filter The most common AC problem many homeowners face is a clogged air filter. The filter keeps out most of the contaminants that would otherwise clog your

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How Often Should You Schedule an AC Tune-Up?

March 15, 2023

Think of your air conditioner as being similar to your car: to make sure it runs smoothly and reliably for many years to come, it needs some regular attention and care. Instead of oil changes and tire rotations, your AC needs an annual tune-up. This routine maintenance appointment will keep your cooling system effective, efficient, and reliable all summer long. At Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., we’ve completed many AC maintenance jobs over the years for homeowners in Champaign, IL. One question we’re often asked is, “how often should I maintain my AC?” Here’s what you should know. How

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Are Air Purifiers Actually Effective?

February 14, 2023

Are Air Purifiers Effective at Improving Indoor Air Quality? With all that’s been happening over the past few years, a lot of attention has been focused on air purifiers. Air purifiers do exactly as their name suggests; they clean the air. You may be wondering whether an air purifier is worth getting for your home and whether it’s actually effective. The answer is that an air purifier can make a positive difference in your indoor air quality by removing pollutants and other contaminants. What Do Air Purifiers Remove? Air purifiers may be able to target

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Which Costs Less: Heat Pump or Electric Furnace?

January 20, 2023

Trying to keep your home warm throughout the Champagne winter can get costly, especially during unusual weather patterns like a bitter polar vortex. Two of the options for heating your home include heat pumps and electric heat furnaces. Discover the difference between these options and which one will cost you less. What’s the Difference Between Heat Pumps and Electric Furnaces? Both heat pumps and electric furnaces use electricity to heat your home. How they accomplish this is vastly different, which means how much it’ll cost to heat your home will also vary widely.

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How Do You Know It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace?

December 19, 2022

Dark evenings, cool temperatures, and warm nights by the fire — winter is upon us. With the advent of winter, many homeowners fire up their furnaces in anticipation of more time inside, warm inside temps, and respite from the frigid weather outside. Signs of a Failing Furnace When your furnace is running well, winter is a breeze. You adjust the thermostat to your liking and settle in for cozy days and nights in your home. When your HVAC system is on its last legs, however, you may find yourself with the need for quick

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How Does a Furnace Humidifier Work?

November 17, 2022

Furnace Humidifiers: How They Work and the Benefits Furnaces have been known to dry out the air in your home, leading to problems ranging from static electricity and cracks in the woodwork to respiratory ailments. A furnace humidifier helps to alleviate these problems by adding moisture to the air. Below, we will discuss how a furnace humidifier works in more detail. What Is a Furnace Humidifier? A furnace humidifier is a device connected to your furnace that helps in adding moisture to the air. It is a simple device with a water reservoir, a wicking

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How Far From a Furnace Should a Carbon Monoxide Detector Be?

October 19, 2022

Carbon monoxide poisoning is something everyone should be concerned about. Every year, exposure to carbon monoxide sends more than 15,000 Americans to the hospital and results in more than 500 deaths. Gas furnaces, fireplaces and water heaters all produce carbon monoxide, which is why it is essential that you have carbon monoxide detectors near all of these appliances. With that in mind, here is a full guide to carbon monoxide detectors and where they need to be installed in relation to your furnace and other appliances. Recommended Distance From Furnaces and Other Gas Appliances

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Is Ductless Air Conditioning a Good Choice in Illinois?

September 20, 2022

Your central air conditioning unit may be getting near its end of service life. You just may need to add air conditioning to an addition to the house. You may have purchased an older home with no ductwork. In any of these cases, you are likely wondering about ductless air conditioning. Is it right for our Illinois climate and your home? At Bash Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. in Champaign, we serve the Champaign-Urbana area, and we are your local experts in air conditioning installation. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing an air conditioning system and each case is unique.

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